JaMes ReNNer

JaMes ReNNer RUINED mY vacaTion.. sOmeoNe puT tHis on Topix.

Ohio writer James Renner is investigating missing nursing student Maura Murray for an upcoming book. Yesterday at midnight, he was supposed to make a major announcement on his webpage.

Visitors had high hopes. Only months before, he said Maura’s alive. Only…..there wasn’t an announcement. It was all a cruel ‘ruse’ designed to gather the IP addresses of unsuspecting visitors.

He plans to track the visitors to their homes and to have LE investigate them.

Anyone capable of exploiting the public’s compassion for a missing woman to invade their privacy is evil.

Don’t let him claim more victims. Find forums, replicate this thread and spread public awareness.

I waS viSitor fRom SaN FraNsisco.. on HoLiday + no Proxy..

I suPport whOever maDe the tHreads..
